I write this letter sat on my tod on a rainy monday night coming to terms with the morose fact that I won't be heading down to the Northern Quarter to indulge in, what can only be described as, the most authentic blues experience this side of the Atlantic. Alas, the day job is what it is and it dictates that I give tonight a swerve. But as I sit here begrudgingly quaffing this evenings Horlicks, I cast my mind back to the last two mondays of pure life that I have revelled in. And yes, I mean "life". Imagine a place crawling with such genuine contentment, of such overt freshness, that when you have a moment to take in your surroundings you are overwhelmed with the visions of what music can be and what music can represent...and what the music scene should be more often.
A room filled with people, young and old, not knowing who is coming on stage or what they are going to hear, but whatever it is, they're not one bit arsed. They're there to be there and to enjoy everything that the night has to offer. In my minds eye, I look and see the group of young ones sat talking, gossiping, not a care in the world while the old chap in the corner with a cowboy hat and mad beard is fixated on the show. His eyes breaking from the stage only to ensure his cold beer hits his lips. Engrossed. Monday night in Matt and Phred's is a place of wonderment and pure class. Trust me, it just is. I don't even need to tell you about the quality of music. It's an open session blues night for fucks sake, what more do you want to know?
This is a social experience like no other in Manchester and you might be able to tell that I am somewhat enthused by it. So as I draw the curtains and get ready for a long day of paper pushing, I'll rest my eyes and think of Matt and Phred's. What a night, can't wait until next week. Cheers.
Yours impatiently
The Stiff Upper Lip
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